

  1. Pretty Polyurethane Sanding Sealer:
  2. Its polyurethane based, two component, and chemical drying sanding sealer. It has a very high filling power. It can be sanding easily. It fills the pores of wood and panel to prepare a smooth surface for last layer varnish. It is used for the all kinds of wood surface in order to get smooth surfaces.

    • Application:
    • Pistol, suitable sanding for surface condition, protective gloves, goggles, masks should be used. Surface should not be wet and dirty. It should be homogenized by mixing thoroughly before using. Prepared mixture of specified proportions, after resting for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 cross-layers are applied. Between floors 15 - 20 minutes should be waited. When hardening paint is added, it should not be poured directly.
    • PRETTY Polyurethane Sanding Sealer………………...…………………………………………100 unit
    • PRETTY Polyurethane Sanding Sealer Hardener……………….…..…………………………....50 unit
    • Eskim P.U Thinner……………………………………………………………….……………....20- 25 unit ** 10-12 m² field can be covered with 30 – 35 micron dry film thickness. This coverage may vary due to kind of wood, surface roughness and absorption.

  3. Primer Nitrocellulose Sealer:
  4. It is a nitrocellulose based, one component, air curing undercoat. It has high filling and covering power. Sand ability and drying is easy. It fills the pores of wood and supply a smooth surface for topcoat application. It’s used to fill masif, wood and all kind of wood coat surfaces and to prepare surface for topcoat application in furniture and wood ındustry.

    • Application:

    Pistol, suitable sanding for surface condition, protective gloves, goggles, masks should be used. Surface should not be wet and dirty and should be free from dust and oil. Mixture should be mixed well thoroughly before usage. Mixture is applied 2-3 cross-layer. For each layer there should be 20-25 minutes break between application times.
    ARMA Cellulosic Undercoat Paint …...100 unit
    Eskim P.U Thinner…... 60- 70 unit

** 6-8 m² field can be covered with 30 – 35 micron dry film thickness. This coverage may vary due to kind of wood, surface roughness and absorption.